I found notes on questions Jess asked and we never answered
Need to think through the whole pumping summoned creatures thing.I re-thought allowing demon pumping. No. A summoned creature is a temporary magic item and a bound creature is a permanent magic item. Mia Culpa. Her bound demon 3 is pumped with one die to demon 6 - that makes her Summoner 8 (Summoner 9 if she uses a Lucky Shot) for physical combat by burning one die. That's too powerful this early in the game.
- We never decided on the use of familiars,
- If a summoner can summon and bind - can she also invoke and banish?
Yes. Invoke is handled as Augury. Banish is Ward at a high difficulty level.
- Or whether normal people or animals can be bound, summoned, or invoked or banished.
Yes. Again at a high difficulty level. These are hexes or enchantments.
- And whether angels can be summoned, bound, or invoked or banished.
Angels are off limits. They have a friend in high places.
Can a demon or spirit be bound to a tattoo? (I assume to give the PC supernormal powers)
Yes. It is treated as a talisman or amulet.