Friday, March 20, 2009

I found notes on questions Jess asked and we never answered

Need to think through the whole pumping summoned creatures thing.

I re-thought allowing demon pumping. No. A summoned creature is a temporary magic item and a bound creature is a permanent magic item. Mia Culpa. Her bound demon 3 is pumped with one die to demon 6 - that makes her Summoner 8 (Summoner 9 if she uses a Lucky Shot) for physical combat by burning one die. That's too powerful this early in the game.

We never decided on the use of familiars,
They are covered by the Sidekicks and Shield Mates rules. There are special benefits, like mind meld or remote view.

If a summoner can summon and bind - can she also invoke and banish?

Yes. Invoke is handled as Augury. Banish is Ward at a high difficulty level.

Or whether normal people or animals can be bound, summoned, or invoked or banished.

Yes. Again at a high difficulty level.
These are hexes or enchantments.

And whether angels can be summoned, bound, or invoked or banished.

Angels are off limits
. They have a friend in high places.

Can a demon or spirit be bound to a tattoo? (I assume to give the PC supernormal powers)

Yes. It is treated as a talisman or amulet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Single Use Gear

Single use alchemy gear adds one die for one throw of any roll. At the GM's discretion the single use gear can be +1, +2, +3, each bonus empties a gear slot.

Bonuses can be in pips (as in WEG D6) or regular Risus bonus dice,
again at the GM's discretion.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Talismans, Charms, and Amulets

These two articles by Steffan O'Sullivan (the creator of FUDGE) form the basis of Risus of Arabia charms and such. Charms and such also follow the guidelines set out in Risus Magic.

Charms and such can supply a skill independent of, but powered by, a cliche; or enhance a skill, or aspect, in a cliche, but never the whole cliche. The Tale of Bulukiya references a herbalism and pharmacopoeia familiar to D&D.