Sunday, December 7, 2014

Quit Gaming - No Walking Dead

I quit Quinn's group. If I'm not going to be gaming I am not going to be gaming Risus, specifically Risus of Arabia.

TNT The Librarians

The Librarians delivered as advertized: some fun, mostly harmless. Didn't cover new ground, didn't take itself too seriously.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ugly Shirt

One of the eggheads on the comet landing probe team was call out for an ugly shirt. Feminists are fighting the wrong battles and losing allies.

Dead. White, and Blue

The Walking Dead marathon over the three day 4th of July weekend inspired a loose gathering of old friends.

Quinn Hates the New Math

Time to take a break.

Open Game Night has been put on hold until we can find a new venue.

And I'm so bored with dungeon crawls I keep tweaking new dice mechanics to be able to feign interest

Half my friends are gaming/nerd related.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sky Baron

I've been posting Sky Baron material, in dribs and drabs, at the WEG-6 Yahoo Group

And I post the "finished" pages here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Left Hanging

My Unnamed Friend was stoked by RA&G. We did a great suss section on a Raiders Diesel Punk setting. Now Nothing. He won't even send me a copy of the Excel spread sheet we outlined scenes for the game based on the Trilogy.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Big Surprise

Neither player has shown for Risus of Arabia.

Back to the dungeon.

I've been monkeying with Resolute, Adventurer & Genius and might dust off the Ravenwood Project; an expansive jaunt through the Indiana Jones Trilogy. I still have most of the game material.

This could be an opportunity to reach out to My Unnamed Friend in a big way. He loved GURPS Cliffhangers, anf that's why we built the Raiders world.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saw This Coming

Two players from the Mini Six Road Rage group bailed during the hiatus.

Opened a thread at Giant in the Playground for a possible Risus of Arabia game.