Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sufi Skill List.

I looted the Microlite D20 Psionic skills for Sufi skills.

I figure the character has to take an Unusual Background or Arcane Knowledge perk, then buy skills.

Astral Traveller - Enable yourself or another to join an astral caravan-enabled
Call to Mind - Gain +4 bonus to a Knowledge skill check.
Create Sound - Create the sound you desire.
Daze, Psionic - Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Demoralize - Enemies become shaken.
Mind Sight - Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus to search for items and
notice secret doors.
Far Hand - Move small objects at a limited distance.
Know Direction and Location - You discover where you are and what direction you face.
Missive - Send a one-way telepathic message to subject.
Sense Link - You sense what the subject senses (single sense).
Animal Affinity - Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
Control Sound - Create very specific sounds.
Darkvision, Psionic - See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Detect Hostile Intent - You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you.
Psionic Scent - Gain the scent ability (like a dog).
Tongues, Psionic - You can communicate with intelligent creatures.
Danger Sense - Gain +4 bonus against traps.
Darkvision, Psionic - See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Escape Detection - You become difficult to detect with clairsentience
Touchsight - Your telekinetic field tells you where everything is.
Aura Sight - Reveals creatures, objects, powers, or spells
Detect Remote Viewing - You know when others spy on you remotely
True Seeing, Psionic - See all things as they really are.
Mind Blank, Personal - You are immune to scrying and mental effects.
Remote View Trap - Deal 8d6 points electricity damage to those who seek to
view you at a distance.
Mind Blank, Personal - You are immune to scrying and mental effects.

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