Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reconcidering Element Magic

We had to drop element magic, the control and manipulation of the four elements, in the middle of the second incarnation; the applications were too broad to regulate, it was Swiss Army Magic. We did have the incredibly complex rules from the first incarnation, but the rules slow everything down. We monkeyed with powering it down until it wasn't worth using, and the honor system doesn't work with hard core rules lawyers.

Risus Magic makes the solution simple. No heavy math, the difficulty level is directly proportional to the spell's usefulness. For further complexity, Element Control is either an advanced skill (minus 1 die) or an arcane skill (minus 2 dice) in an appropriate Alchemy cliche.

By the same token Mesmerist and Illusionist can be taken as skills in appropriate cliches or through a talisman; skills can be taken through charms, cliches cannot. Specialized (limited) skills gain bonuses or lower TNs, a variation on my Unnamed Friend's weapon specialization from his Dark Conspiracy game. Say a PC took a Self Amused Street Magician (3) which allows for Universal Magic Abilities at (2); the PC can take Illusionist at (3), in lieu of a Lucky Shot slot.


Great for inspiration. Element magic in RoA is more element control, manipulation, and transmutation.

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