Deities we used for demons, much like the way Celtic Christianity adopted pagan deities as saints and demons.
For example, Atar - Persian god of fire and purity - is a fire demon. The GM can decide if there is a bonus for 'fire'.
Persian Gods, Goddesses and Heroes
Aesma Daeva - Demon of Lust and Anger. Personification of violence, conflict and war. Eternally opposed by Sraosa
Agas - Demoness of illness. Her name means "the evil eye"
Airyaman - God of friendship and healing
Allatum - old Iranian goddess of the underworld
Ameretat - goddess of immortality and the protector of plants
Angra Mainyu - god of darkness and destroyer of good. Bringer of death and disease
Apaosa - Demon on a black horse with a white face who brings drought to the land
Asto Vidatu - demon of death no human can escape. Tries to catch the souls of the righteous as they rise to heaven
Atar - god of fire and purity. son of Ahura Mazda
Azi Dahaka - a storm demon shaped like a monsterous snake
Bahram - god of the planets and victory
Burijas - Kassite wargod
Bushyasta - yellow demon of laziness and sloth. Causes men to oversleep and to neglect their religious obligations
Daevas (devils) - demons who bring plagues and diseases in all forms
Dahaka - ancient god of death and deceit
Dena - daughter of Ahura Mazda
Dev - a powerful demon of war
Haurvatat _ one of the Amesha Spentas . Perfection personified. Associated with Life after death
Indar - god of warfare and bravery
Indra - one of the seven daevas. Apostasy
Izha - goddess of the sacrifice
Nairyosangha - messenger of the gods and a god of fire
Nanghaithya - demon of discontentment
Neriosang - a messenger god
Rapithwin - ancient god of the noon day sun, protector of the south and summer
Rashnu - angel of justice and last judgement. Righteousness personified
Rustam - hero of the Shah Nameh, originally a hero of Parthia. Greatest warrior. Owner of Rakush, the great warhorse
Saena - a legendary bird whose nest is in the first tree in Vourukasha
Saurva - one of the seven daevas
Tawrich - demon of hunger
Vanant - one of the four leaders of the stars who will fight on the side of Ahura Mazda
Vata - god of the wind 20th day is his
Verethragna - god of victory. Aggressive triumph. He punishes the evil that man and demon does
Zarich - The demon of aging
Zurvan - father of the immortal opposites Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. God of destiny, light and darkness
Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian
Agdistis - a hermaphrodite monster
Anunnaki - children of Antu and Anu, underworld gods.
Anzu - demon with lion and eagle features. Guards Enlil's bath
Ashur - main god of Assyria and war. Symbolized as a winged disk
Dumuzi - shepherd demigod. Husband of Inanna. Shepherd king of Uruk.
Ereshkigal - violent goddess of the underworld. Wife of Erragal
Erra - hunter god, god of war and plague
Erragal - god of underworld, husband of Ereshkigal and lover of Aruru (Mami)
Gerra - god of fire, son of Anunito
Geshtianna - goddess who rules over the fall harvest.
Hadad - Canaanite god of thunder and lightning
Irra - a plague god
Ishkur - god in charge of the winds. simmilar to Akkadian Adad.
Ishum - god of fire and weapons. Lights the way for Erra and the Sebitti
Kabta _ god of bricks, lays foundations and builds houses
Lamashtu - female demon
Mammetum - mother of fate
Namtar - god of 60 diseases, "fate" demon of death.
Nedu - guardian of the first gate of the underworld
Nergal - Assyrian god of hunting and warfare. One of the main gods of the underworld.
Neti - chief gatekeeper of the Underworld.
Ningizzia - underworld god, guardian of Heaven's gate
Sebitti - Seven warriors led by Erra. (Pleiades)
Sharru - god of submission
Sun Ra head of falcon and sun disk
Music Hathor horns of cow and sun disk
Destruction Sekhmet head of lion
Sky Nut blue with golden stars
Earth Geb colour of plants and Nile mud
Dead Osiris dressed in white with crook and flail
Desert Seth animal head with long curved snout
Pharoah Horus head of hawk and crown of Egypt
Magic Isis throne on head or holding baby
Wisdom Thoth head of ibis
Embalming Anubis head of jackal
Justice Ma'at feather in her hair
Creation Amun crowned with feathers
Cats Bastet head of
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